Happy New Year from Larrondo Dentisty!
Are you one of the millions of people who make New Year’s Resolutions? Are you also one of the millions who wind up breaking those resolutions? I’m not surprised. After all, most people who set New Year’s Resolutions never have a plan for actually accomplishing their goals.We’ll talk about that more in a minute, but first, let’s talk about the top 5 resolutions that come up EVERY, single year:
- Pay off debt and save money
- Get fit and take better care my physical appearance
- Do better at my job (or find a new one)
- Get organized
- Work less, spend more time with family
Do any of those sound familiar to you? How many of them are on your list this year?
How would you like to keep at least one of those resolutions this year? Well, right now, success is as easy as a phone call away. With one simple phone call (951-925-6596) you could be experiencing resolution success and celebrating your way to next year!
Because we understand how difficult keeping a resolution can be, we’re going to get you started with the right tools for success! And, all you have to do is give us a call (951-925-6596). You see, we have a very special New Year’s offer for you. An offer that will GUARANTEE you make it through the year with flying colors.
Right now, the first five (5) people who call and purchase our Teeth Whitening program, we’re going to throw in one Dental Hygiene cleaning! Just imagine how good you are going to feel about your smile and a new year resolution.
Don’t let this year’s resolutions go untouched. Take a few short moments to give us a call!
P.S. This is a New Year’s offer and will only be good until the end of January 2013. But, if you are serious about saving money you’ll want to take advantage of this great opportunity, today!
Great post!! I went to the dentist last week and it was not fun at all for me eitehr. They are so rough with the floss lol. I think you are wearing glasses. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear glasses in any of your posts. I’m going to post my photo later today.