We Focus On Educating Not Selling!
Our office is focused on educating you, so that you can make qualified, educated, comfortable decisions. When I hear of dentist’s “selling dentistry” it makes me cringe, because their recommendations may be influenced by profit alone.
When I do a treatment plan I usually give my patients options. Now, there will be times where there is only 1 option. I try to explain the one or more options and the long run benefits and let the patient decide. I want to be honest with people. If they want to talk about money I’ll talk about money, and tell them what’s cheaper. But, also am going to tell you what the best option is. The problem is, based on another quote I heard, “A fool is someone who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.” That’s why some people might choose a cheaper priced dentist who is only focused on the bottom-line, and not get the quality of service and personal attention my practice provides.
The Cost of Dentistry
The first reason people avoid going to the dentist is PAIN. The second reason most people put off coming in to the dentist, is the COST.
If you want to be a “cheapest price, cheapest service” shopper, and you’re looking for a dentist that is focused on running his or her practice like an assembly line where you only speak to the dentist when he is working on you, and then in 15 minutes you are out the door, you can find that.
Someone once told me, and I’ve built my practice on this, “You truly get what you pay for in life!” and “The worst advice is usually the cheapest!”
Occasionally I have people who call for the cheapest price, but the reality is this person isn’t looking for the best service. And we want people in our practice who care about their dental health, are committed to avoiding cavities, and if they want to improve the look of their smile, great!
While ours is not the cheapest, lowest priced dental office you can find out there, we are not on the high end either. We simply refuse to run an office that is cranking patients out in quantity. Our goal is to make sure that you get the best experience and the most value out of working with me and my staff, and that you get the best dentistry possible.
We focus on creating a good relationship from day one. And since you’ll understand everything, you’re not confused, and everything goes much smoother from then on. I invest an hour where someone else might do it an half-hour or 10 minutes. In the long run you’re going to be happy and there’s not going to any confusion and you’ll truly feel like you are a part of a team!
After looking over this article you’ll probably have questions. Before you call any dental office, I want to bring to your attention a common misconceptions consumers have when choosing a dentist, and a couple recommendations!
Misconception: The dentist that offers the lowest price is the dentist you should choose.
Maybe – but not always. Here are a few points to consider before you select a practice, decide what you want to accomplish. Also, price is usually an indication of quality. More efficient Dentistry may cost more. Better trained dentists who want to give you more time and quality of service cost more. Reliable service and products cost more. You don’t buy the cheapest car, clothes, or foods. Don’t let price alone be the deciding factor when choosing a dentist.
Feel free to contact Dr. Jorge E. Larrondo to discuss the cost of your dental requirements!