“Periodontal disease is an important public health problem in the United States”
Roughly half of American adult’s aged 30 or older have some form of periodontal disease, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey data reported Aug. 30.
In a recent publication of the Journal of International and American Association for Dental Research; “Periodontal disease is an important public health problem in the United States,” stating; “an estimated 47.2 percent or 64.7 million American, have mild, moderate or severe periodontitis, or gum disease”! Additionally, it states, the prevalence rates increase to 70.1 percent for adults 65 and older.
The data also indicate certain prevalence disparities. Periodontal disease is higher in men than women, 56.4 and 38.4 percent respectively, and highest in Mexican-Americans, 66.7 percent, compared to other races. The prevalence rate is 64.2 percent for current smokers, 65.4 percent for adults living below the federal poverty level and 66.9 percent for adults with less than a high school education.
The survey included for the first time a full-mouth periodontal examination, “making it the most comprehensive survey of oral health ever conducted in the United States,” said an AAP press release. The Academy has been working with the CDC since 2003 to determine the extent, severity and prevalence of periodontal disease. This is the first national probability sample that employed a full-mouth periodontal examination protocol versus partial mouth examinations, the Associations for Dental Research said.
The data support the need for comprehensive periodontal evaluations performed annually by a member of Larrondo Dentistry’s dental team including Dr. Jorge E. Larrondo, Myra and Danielle dental hygienists and a Hemet periodontist. This includes examining every tooth and measuring both attachment loss and probing depth to get the most accurate assessment of periodontal disease. “Many of our patients have periodontal disease and do not know it states Dr. Larrondo. As dental professionals, it is more important than ever that we provide patients with a comprehensive periodontal evaluation annually to determine their disease status.”
Periodontal disease is associated with age, and as Americans live longer and retain more of their natural teeth, periodontal disease may take on more prominence in the oral health of the U.S. adult population. Maintaining good periodontal health is important to the overall health and well-being of our aging population.
Contact Larrondo Dentistry to schedule a consult with Dr. Jorge E. Larrondo to determine your overall dental health. Call today! 951-925-6596